Medicinal Benefits of Mimosa Tree (Albizia Julibrissin)

Medicinal Benefits of Mimosa Tree  (Albizia Julibrissin)

My Beautiful Mimosa! Used in Chinese Traditional Medicine..

Why is Mimosa so good and what does it do for you? I will tell you all about it right now. Albizia julibrissin is a nervine relaxant, it calms the spirit. Now since it is mainly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, I may use some terms that are unfamiliar but I will explain. It is for poor memory, difficulty concentrating, cools anger, insomnia and mood swings. Mimosa should only be used as needed, not long term, so for acute conditions over chronic conditions.

The parts of the plant used are the bark(sweet and neutral) and the flowers. The bark calms the shen -(shen) one of the basic substances that according to traditional Chinese medicine pervade the body, usually translated “spirit,” encompassing both the mind of the individual and healthy mental and physical function.
It relieves constrained qi(pronounced Chi) – qi -the circulating life energy that in Chinese philosophy is thought to be inherent in all things; in traditional Chinese medicine the balance of negative and positive forms in the body is believed to be essential for good health, invigorates the blood and reduces swellings and abscesses.
The flowers also calm the shen and regulate qi as well as harmonizes the liver and stomach. For insomnia, pain and tightness in the stomach and limbs, digestive issues due to emotional tension.
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What is permaculture gardening??

A beginner’s guide to permaculture gardening

Don’t get stumped by the name: permaculture is a simple, vital tool for food growers and gardeners alike

A philosophy of gardening. Gardening and philosophy. Either way it seems strange to the uninitiated. However, one thing permaculture isn’t, to many people’s surprise, is a cult. So what exactly is it?

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Further information:


The Permaculture Association
Permaculture Magazine@

Moringa permaculture gardening

Grow your nutrition with Moringa Tree @

Moringa trees  nitrogen

How to grow a moringa tree Book


*Order Book How to grow a Moringa Tree  on Amazon

How to grow a moringa tree Book













21 Uses for Epsom Salt

21 Uses for Epsom Salt

We use epsom salt (affiliate) a lot at our house. It is a good source of magnesium (here’s why we love magnesium) and has dozens of household uses. Here are our favorites list:ed here>>>

27 Medicinal Plants Worth Your Garden Space

27 Medicinal Plants Worth Your Garden Space

27 Medicinal Plants Worth Your Garden Space:

Aloe Vera

lady aloe
Marsh Mallow
Great Burdock
Pot Marigold
Gotu Kola
Globe Artichoke
Chinese Yam

chinese yam
Siberian Ginseng
Great Yellow Gentian
Sea Buckthorn
Tea Tree

tea tree
Lemon Balm
Evening Primrose
Turkey Rhubarb

sacred white sage
sacred white sage

Wu Wei Zi (Schizandra)
Milk Thistle

comfrey flowers
comfrey flowers

Slippery Elm
Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle 
Agnus Castus
Read more>>


How to use Stinging Nettles

How to use Stinging Nettles

Nettles a wonderful plant which is a weed that has super nutrition, makes great herbal remedies, helps those suffering with seasonal allergies, And also as a beauty aid..Read more>>>

Homemade Pickles in 3 days Recipe

Get Pickles in 3 days Recipe

Makes 4 Quarts) Ingredients:

– Around 20 large pickling cucumbers (enough to fill 4 quart jars)
– 1 head of garlic
– 2 Tablespoons of pickling spice mix
– 1 small bunch of your freshest dill
– Brine

Get full Recipe here>>