Uterine Fibroids and vaginal infections

Uterine Fibroids and vaginal infections

Many women have encountered some sort of vaginal yeast infection or even battled with a case of uterine fibroids.  For the yeast infection; a fungus called candida which is also a natural resident in the intestines and vagina, an area that shouldn’t be imbalanced, but if so, can lead to discharge, itching, swelling, to your general discomfort.  Most cases of yeast infections have increased due to antibiotics which destroy beneficial natural flora found in the vagina and allow more harmful bacteria or yeast to multiply.  Trichomoniasis is another common vaginal infection as is chlamydia which can be passed to a baby during childbirth and cause blindness.

Read full Article Here

Making Homegrown Medicinals

Preparedness – Homegrown Medicinals

Homegrown Medicinals @ Common Sense Homesteading

While I’m out working in the garden, I’m not just tending standard food crops, I’m also tending herbs and “weeds”.  Some I use for culinary purposes, some for medicinal, some for both.  (Don’t you love it when you can get multiple uses from one item?)  With many medicinal herbs now being outlawed in Europe, and increasing odds that the US is likely to follow Europe’s lead (thank you, Big Pharma), I’ve been learning more about plants that I can grow in my own yard for medicinal purposes.  You’d be surprised at how useful “weeds” can be.

I dry an assortment of plants over the course of the season.  Most of them live in my pantry in glass jars covered with my husband’s old mismatched dress socks to keep out the light.  I cut each sock in half so it can cover two jars.  The socks are elasticized so they grip the jars nicely.  I always hated throwing one sock out when the other got worn through – now I have a use for them.  The food in front of them is kept in bins that can be easily pulled out to access the herbs.  You can see part of a bin on the right hand side of the photo.

Read full article 

Medicinal Herbal Tinctures & extracts 

extracts on


Moringa Garden Sisters! (Handcrafted Dolls)

Moringa Garden Sisters!
(Handcrafted Dolls) Collect them all.

 Moringa Garden sisters Dolls moringa garden dolls

(Order them here)

Designed in 1998 by artist Rene’ Epps. Due to creativity and her overall respect for beauty; this eye-candy of cultural dolls were inspired to spice up the colors in your home & garden.
Theses sisters come together to share roots, culture, love & friendship..
These make great gifts as paper weights; they can sit in your garden, or in a window seal.

ms pineapple sage doll purple passon doll Native sunflower doll
*Each Doll comes with a choice of FREE organic seed packet and 1 Eco Biodegradable pot.