We Love White Sage

We Love White Sage

sacred white sage sage seed

We love to grow it and use it just as our ancestors.

Uses: White Sage is a wonderfully versatile medicinal herb that has been used by Ancient people, Native Americans, and even in modern medicine to boost immunities,

For cleansing and purification, strength and wisdom.
*Native American Sacred Beliefs
*Clearing Negativity
*Medicinal Properties of white Sage
*Improves skin conditions eczema
*Boost immunities
*Great fever reducer
*Natural Antibacterial agents

A landmark study conducted in 2007 titled, “Medicinal smoke reduces airborne bacteria,” published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology observed that smudging is an extremely potent form of sterilization.  According to the study,

“We have observed that 1 hour treatment of medicinal smoke emanated by burning wood and a mixture of odoriferous and medicinal herbs (havan sámagri=material used in oblation to fire all over India), on aerial bacterial population caused over 94% reduction of bacterial counts by 60 min and the ability of the smoke to purify or disinfect the air and to make the environment cleaner was maintained up to 24 hour in the closed room. Absence of pathogenic bacteria Corynebacterium urealyticum, Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens, Enterobacter aerogenes (Klebsiella mobilis), Kocuria rosea, Pseudomonas syringae pv. persicae, Staphylococcus lentus, and Xanthomonas campestris pv. tardicrescens in the open room even after 30 days is indicative of the bactericidal potential of the medicinal smoke treatment. We have demonstrated that using medicinal smoke it is possible to completely eliminate diverse plant and human pathogenic bacteria of the air within confined space.

Thanks to this amazing study we now know that smudging with sacred herbs is not only soothing to the mind and spirit, it is affecting the health and even safety of the actual environment in which it is done.

White Sage & Products @ https://www.healingherbsbyrene.com/sacred-white-sage–herbs-bundles.html

white sahe hand copy  white sage extract3


Chinese Yams & Sweet potato, Apple-mint, Moringa plants for sale!

Grow Your Nutrition!! www.HealingMoringaTree.com

Chinese Yams & Sweet potato, Apple-mint plants for sale! @ http://moringaoleiferanursery.weebly.com/buy-herbs-and-plants.html

sweet potato flower

Sweet Potato Plants!
*Edible leaves are tender; Its nutritional content is said to be comparable to the spinach. 
Also cooks down fast like spinach.
Cutting are in soil ready to plant, grows and spreads fast similar to Ivy. The Leaf tops make delicious Meals. 
Great for Juicing.

Chinese Yams

Chinese Yam Plants (Shan Yao)

moringa apple mint

Apple-Mint Plants!
Apple-mint smell great and makes a delicious herbal Tea.

moringa homestead

Moringa Tree Homestead!

How to Make Free Lavender Plants for the Garden…

How to Make Free Lavender Plants for the Garden…

Lavender; it just isn’t an herb garden, (or should I say a garden), without it.  It’s gorgeous gray foliage, beautiful purple blue buds and flowers and it’s irresistibly delicious scent make it one garden plant that leaves you coming back for more!  
Photo credit
And that’s where I come in.  I have this beautiful lavender hidcote plant, (well, it WAS beautiful this past spring!) a smaller variety of lavender that makes it perfect for walkways or borders.  

The problem began when its neighbors, echinacea or purple coneflower, notorious for its abundance of progeny…aka a self-sower,  began to infringe upon the lavender’s territory.  I also planted the lavender on the side of the flower bed where it didn’t get all the full sun that this Mediterranean plant really loves.  SO, finding I had an open space in one of my flower beds on the south side of my house, I decided that I will transplant this little guy.  But, the empty space I have is pretty big and these plants stay relatively compact, so I really need some more.  But I don’t want to buy them…so what to do?  Make some more!  

And that’s why you’re reading this.  Luckily, it’s super easy to make your own lavender plants, or thyme plants, or any woody, low growing plant for that matter.  All you need is a sharp knife, a rock and with any type of gardening, patience.  But I am willing to wait…no problem.  This is the best kind of planting because it’s so easy. 
 This technique is called “layering” and it’s been around for a long time. This really should be done in the spring, but I’m taking my chances with the nice weather we’ve been having and doing this in late summer.  Hopefully I’ll have my little plants and be able to plant them in the spring. I would suggest at least a few good months of frost-free weather before doing this to give the new plants time to root.  Otherwise, you can plan this for your spring garden.

So, first of all, locate a woody low growing branch(s) of the plant.

Take a sharp knife and nick the bark being careful not to cut all the way through the stem…

Now, if you have rooting hormone, then apply that to the cut area of the branch.  I didn’t have any so I just went ahead with the next step.  The rooting hormone is nice insurance that the plants will root, but I’ve made plenty of plants without it.

Read Full Article>>>http://livininthegreen.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-to-make-free-lavender-plants-for.html

Sage and Honey Cough Syrup

Simple Medicine: Sage and Honey Cough Syrup

It will probably not surprise you much to learn that I don’t like taking medicine.  While I’m thankful for the availability of strong medicine when it’s needed, I prefer to go with natural methods.  Nature provides so much of the medicine we need, and I like to use what’s right under my nose (and feet, or overhead.)
IMG_9599We have a bumper crop of sage this year, so I am making a few things, including Sage and Honey Cough Syrup.  It’s so simple, but effective.  In fact, this study showed just honey to bemore effective than drugstore cough syrup.  Sage is an anti-bacterial, astringent and anti-inflammatory herb, which makes it great for sore throats and coughs.  Sage and honey together make a wonderful cough syrup, and it’s so simple that I think everyone should make a batch.IMG_9593

Sage & Honey Cough Syrup

What You’ll Need

  • 1 cup or more of fresh, organic sage leaves
  • 1 cup or more of raw honey, preferably local (if you don’t have a local source, you can order it here)
  • a clean jar or glass container that can be sealed tightly and can hold at least 12 oz. (I lovethese and these, and mason jars are also perfect.)
  • Read full Article>>>http://andhereweare.net/2014/05/sage-and-honey-cough-syrup-2.html

DIY Natural Vicks Chest Rub!

vicks balm

vicks plant1


How to Make Horehound Extract!

horehound Herb

Making Horehound Herbal extract Visit us @ http://www.HealingHerbsByRene.com, Natural Organic Ayurvedic Beauty Products

Read about the benefits of horehound herbal extract>>>http://www.naturalremedies.org/horehound/

How to Use Pine Resin for Coughing Cure!


Pine resin possesses many medicinal properties that we do not even have suspected that may apply.



Old people used to say:  “If you are sick with a cold, go walk in a pine forest”.
Specific flavor that trees emit helps you breathe more easily. Namely pine resin which is extracted from these trees, is so useful that encountered when we need a cure for a sore throat and severe cough caused by the flu, a cold or asthma.



Pine resin is useful for the skin. Not only in the treatment and but for cleaning and rejuvenation. You can use in different ways this beneficial properties of this natural wealth.

– See more at: http://thetreatmentherbs.com/how-to-use-pine-resin-for-coughing-cure-2/#sthash.jMOCf95G.dRHbqOgY.dpuf

Organic Swimming Pool You Can Build Yourself


The Most Natural Organic Pool You Can Build Yourself

There are many reasons to avoid chlorinated pools, most of all due to your health and the environment. Natural Pools allow nature to provide hygienic water for swimming. The vibrant ecology of plants and animals condition the water so there is no need for any chemical disinfectants. These pools are healthy for people and wildlife. In fact the water quality in a natural pool is so good, many are well within drinking water standards.

Natural Organic Pools by PreventDisease

Scientists have known for decades that along with the good that comes with disinfecting water with chlorine, chemicals called disinfection byproducts can also be formed when chlorine reacts with organic substances like human skin and residues from body care products.
Why is absorbing chlorine through the skin thought to be so dangerous? When you swallow water, you can count on the liver to filter out many toxins- but when something gets absorbed through your skin, it goes straight into the circulatory system.

Studies have shown that drinking, bathing or swimming in chlorinated water may increase the risk of bladder cancer. Chemicals, most commonly chlorine, used to disinfect water can produce by-products that have been tied to increased cancer risk.

Organic Pools

The nutrient level in an organic pool is carefully restricted so competition for the limiting nutrient (usually phosphorous) is fierce. In these circumstances, pond plants outperform algae, keeping it supressed and barely hanging in at the margins. A pond, low in nutrients, is a healthy environment for wildlife. An organic pool is teeming with life. If an alien micro-organism, a human pathogen for instance, enters the water, it faces battalions of hungry pond dewelling micro-organisms to either starve it out of existence, or devour it. A water analysis of this pond water showed that it contained zero organisms of e coli. per litre of water.

Swimming in a Natural pool among flowering plants of lilies, iris and marsh marigolds is a celebration of life. Soothing your limbs and mind and skin and eyes, it seems every cell in your body is telling you – this is the way swimming should be. Natural Pools work entirely with nature to provide hygienic water for swimming.

Read More>>>>http://preventdisease.com/news/14/062614_The-Most-Natural-Organic-Pool-You-Can-Build-Yourself.shtml

FREE MORINGA BOOK GIVEAWAY~Moringa Homestead & Permaculture Book..


How To Grow A Moringa tree BOOK!

Moringa Homestead & Permaculture Book…

Fill form out below!
State your entering the Book giveaway, in message to us.

book hm book

How to grow a moringa tree Book


Pre-Germinated Moringa Stenopetala Seeds!

*Pre-Germinated Moringa Stenopetala  Seeds. 
The Mothers Helper Moringa African species 
Germinating seeds can be a challenge, now you can have a tree with out the wait for germination. 
All the seeds have tails
 ready to be planted in pots or the ground.
This is a win win with or without a green thumb.



*buy Pre-Germinated Moringa Stenopetala Seeds.

*Pre-Germinated Moringa Stenopetala Seeds.

*Pre-Germinated Moringa Stenopetala Seeds for sale