Making Homegrown Medicinals

Preparedness – Homegrown Medicinals

Homegrown Medicinals @ Common Sense Homesteading

While I’m out working in the garden, I’m not just tending standard food crops, I’m also tending herbs and “weeds”.  Some I use for culinary purposes, some for medicinal, some for both.  (Don’t you love it when you can get multiple uses from one item?)  With many medicinal herbs now being outlawed in Europe, and increasing odds that the US is likely to follow Europe’s lead (thank you, Big Pharma), I’ve been learning more about plants that I can grow in my own yard for medicinal purposes.  You’d be surprised at how useful “weeds” can be.

I dry an assortment of plants over the course of the season.  Most of them live in my pantry in glass jars covered with my husband’s old mismatched dress socks to keep out the light.  I cut each sock in half so it can cover two jars.  The socks are elasticized so they grip the jars nicely.  I always hated throwing one sock out when the other got worn through – now I have a use for them.  The food in front of them is kept in bins that can be easily pulled out to access the herbs.  You can see part of a bin on the right hand side of the photo.

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Medicinal Herbal Tinctures & extracts 

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Natural News Blogs Medicinal Herbs that rejuvenate the entire human body

 Medicinal Herbs that rejuvenate the entire human body!

Most medicinal herbs contain many natural components that assist each other with producing a wide variety of good health results for all body types.  Organic herbs that regulate the body; in my opinion, have a coded intelligence to complete different functions on top of riding toxins.  While our inner-being screams for repair, the actions of herbs are totally habitual and as precise as a dripping faucet, we only have to consume enough of the ones that correct.  Whereas the effects of prescription-drugs can pack a sweeping first blow with quick results, long-term herbal use go much deeper in healing. As I was plagued with headaches, the use of herbs not only eliminated the pain, but did away with the underlying activity causing the pain.  We’ve all heard the saying, “pressure will burst a pipe”.  Well this is also true when you create a healthy condition in an unhealthy environment, but take note, consistency and discipline must be respected to obtain the rewards of renewal.

read full via Natural News Blogs Medicinal Herbs that rejuvenate the entire human body



25% off herbal extracts & tinctures!

25% off Extracts code: extracts25

Order Here>>Healing Herbs By Rene’.

Single Herbal Medicinal Extracts organic & Organically Grown Fresh Herbs!
Growing Medicinal Herbal Healing Plants and developing an intimate relationship with these Medicinal Herbs, harvesting and using what you we grow), is a magical process, which is healing, in and of itself.

herbal extracts    herbal extracts2
Herbal Plant Extracts created and used for thousands of years by our herbal ancestors, still a favorite in medicinal preparation today. herbal extracts has the advantages of their ability to preserve the active enzymes constituents in plants, along with their long shelf life, and immediate effects.
These Extracts can be easily added to, tea, juice, water or taken directly by mouth. 

*Harvested naturally from the best medicinal plants with love, to help create and better healthier you.

Sprouting Garlic

Great! Love this~

Aquaberry Bliss

Garlic is a magical plant. The cloves have antibacterial and healing properties and add a fragrant zing to every food item. Here is how you can grow garlic yourself, starting by sprouting it indoors.

Sprouting Garlic

Garlic can be grown using the cloves you already have in your kitchen! I sprouted my garlic indoors using cloves from a bulb I had inside my fridge. Garlic sprouts faster when kept at colder temperatures so place it in the fridge 1-2 weeks before you want to start growing it.

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COFFEE – 3 Tricks to Make Yours Super-Healthy

COFFEE – 3 Tricks to Make Yours Super-Healthy

coffee can be healthyMmm, coffee… almost everybody drinks it… some people have 3-4 cups per day or more.

But most people don’t think of it as a “health drink”.  And it’s certainly NOT healthy the way most people make it with loads of added sugar or artificial sweeteners and artificial creamers.

But I’ll give you my tips here on how I make a healthier cup of coffee and what to watch out for…

First, you may have seen debate in the past about how coffee has some compounds in it that could have negative health effects such as small amounts of acrylamides or other possibly harmful compounds in brewed coffee.  But, the good news is that coffee has such high concentrations of beneficial antioxidants, phenolic nutrients, chlorogenic acids, and other healthy compounds, that it more than counteracts any bad compounds.

In fact, coffee provides the biggest source of antioxidants for most Americans… although that mostly has to do with the fact that many Americans don’t get enough antioxidants from fruits and veggies, so coffee ends up being their biggest source.  You should try to diversify your sources of antioxidants from fruits, veggies, spices, herbs, berries, beans, unsweetened organic cocoa, teas, and yes, even coffee if you like it.

Buy Healthy Organic  Moringa Coffee >>@ HEALING MORINGA TREE

moringa coffee

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Homestead Permaculture Books!

How to grow a Moringa Tree! (Second Edition) Sustainable Organic and Permaculture Methods. Learn about Homestead growing; the ancient Miracle Tree Moringa. Medicinal herbs, vegetables, organic soil preparation, water irrigation, vermicompost, raising chickens, DJI phantom Drone and more. Full of Colorful photography and how-to demonstrations pertaining to permaculture for the future.

How to Grow a Moringa Tree! (First Edition) The Ultimate Study Guide to assist, establish, and perfect the art to cultivating a blessing. The Biblical Tree of Life (Exodus 15:24-25) A complete guide to growing the superfood Moringa tree species. Easy to understand how-to book, with full color photography and step by step demonstrations. Find out about the joy, trials and tribulations of growing the Moringa Tree species with success at all stages.

Order Both Books@

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Book How to grow a Moringa tree: Sustainable Organic and Permaculture Methods
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How to Make Free Lavender Plants for the Garden…

How to Make Free Lavender Plants for the Garden…

Lavender; it just isn’t an herb garden, (or should I say a garden), without it.  It’s gorgeous gray foliage, beautiful purple blue buds and flowers and it’s irresistibly delicious scent make it one garden plant that leaves you coming back for more!  
Photo credit
And that’s where I come in.  I have this beautiful lavender hidcote plant, (well, it WAS beautiful this past spring!) a smaller variety of lavender that makes it perfect for walkways or borders.  

The problem began when its neighbors, echinacea or purple coneflower, notorious for its abundance of progeny…aka a self-sower,  began to infringe upon the lavender’s territory.  I also planted the lavender on the side of the flower bed where it didn’t get all the full sun that this Mediterranean plant really loves.  SO, finding I had an open space in one of my flower beds on the south side of my house, I decided that I will transplant this little guy.  But, the empty space I have is pretty big and these plants stay relatively compact, so I really need some more.  But I don’t want to buy them…so what to do?  Make some more!  

And that’s why you’re reading this.  Luckily, it’s super easy to make your own lavender plants, or thyme plants, or any woody, low growing plant for that matter.  All you need is a sharp knife, a rock and with any type of gardening, patience.  But I am willing to wait…no problem.  This is the best kind of planting because it’s so easy. 
 This technique is called “layering” and it’s been around for a long time. This really should be done in the spring, but I’m taking my chances with the nice weather we’ve been having and doing this in late summer.  Hopefully I’ll have my little plants and be able to plant them in the spring. I would suggest at least a few good months of frost-free weather before doing this to give the new plants time to root.  Otherwise, you can plan this for your spring garden.

So, first of all, locate a woody low growing branch(s) of the plant.

Take a sharp knife and nick the bark being careful not to cut all the way through the stem…

Now, if you have rooting hormone, then apply that to the cut area of the branch.  I didn’t have any so I just went ahead with the next step.  The rooting hormone is nice insurance that the plants will root, but I’ve made plenty of plants without it.

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Sage and Honey Cough Syrup

Simple Medicine: Sage and Honey Cough Syrup

It will probably not surprise you much to learn that I don’t like taking medicine.  While I’m thankful for the availability of strong medicine when it’s needed, I prefer to go with natural methods.  Nature provides so much of the medicine we need, and I like to use what’s right under my nose (and feet, or overhead.)
IMG_9599We have a bumper crop of sage this year, so I am making a few things, including Sage and Honey Cough Syrup.  It’s so simple, but effective.  In fact, this study showed just honey to bemore effective than drugstore cough syrup.  Sage is an anti-bacterial, astringent and anti-inflammatory herb, which makes it great for sore throats and coughs.  Sage and honey together make a wonderful cough syrup, and it’s so simple that I think everyone should make a batch.IMG_9593

Sage & Honey Cough Syrup

What You’ll Need

  • 1 cup or more of fresh, organic sage leaves
  • 1 cup or more of raw honey, preferably local (if you don’t have a local source, you can order it here)
  • a clean jar or glass container that can be sealed tightly and can hold at least 12 oz. (I lovethese and these, and mason jars are also perfect.)
  • Read full Article>>>

DIY Natural Vicks Chest Rub!

vicks balm

vicks plant1


Home Pharmacy With Herbs!

Home Pharmacy With Herbs


When You do a little surf  on our web page , maybe practical idea will comes to you, and that is to make your home herbal pharmacies, which will be parallel with all other drugs. In history behind us, it was usual and  believe the fact that only part of these plants, seeds, flowers, leaves, gather and receive greater health and preventive safety. This is only suggestion,what ho have inside your herbal pharmacy


Wild strawberries, raspberries, birch, chestnut, walnut and mint and sure plantain.

Hawthorn, wild strawberries, chokeberry, anise, rose hips, mandrel.

Scots pine, birch, poplar, young walnuts

Watermelons, sunflower, pumpkin, flax

Birch, oak

Cherry, thorn, linden, andzelike

Yarrow, thyme, oregano, bay leaf, thyme, mint.


Salep, iris, mallow, thorn,

And always highly hygienic wood ash in small quantities.



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