The massive gypsum crystals found in Mexico’s Naica mine are spectacular to behold. The meter-thick beams of translucent crystal stretch across a life-threateningly hot and humid chamber deep within a Mexican mountain. (Image credit: DCL)

In 2000, the so-called “Cave of Crystals” was discovered after the chamber had been pumped free of its waters for mining operations. (The chamber was actually drained in 1975, but remained unexplored until 2000.) Without the mineral-rich waters to provide material for the crystals, their growth is on hold. (Image credit: George Kourounis)

Massive crystals
Crystals close up
Massive crystals

Promote Your Books and Blog: A Look at Author Websites!

Promote Your Books and Blog: A Look at Author Websites!

Something to think about.
Promote Your Books and Blog: A Look at Author Websites
by Cheri Lucas Rowlands…
The comments poured in on our last two posts highlighting new books by authors. We’re happy to host such a prolific literary bunch! For those of you interested in using a website to promote your books, take a look at three authors on who do this well — each with very different designs and approaches: Read Full >>

5 Unique Teas to Improve Your Mood and Increase Your Productivity

5 Unique Teas to Improve Your Mood and Increase Your Productivity

5 Unique Teas to Improve Your Mood and Increase Your ProductivityRead more>>

St johns worth!
The St. John’s wort plant has yellow flowers and is considered to be a weed throughout most of the United States. It has been used for medical purposes in other parts of the world for thousands of years. Helpful in treating mild depression, and the benefit seems similar to that of antidepressants.

Moringa Drumstick (seed pods) in the making.

Moringa Drumstick (seed pods) in the making...

Moringa Drumstick (seed pod) in the making.
Close up on Moringa Oleifera seed pods growing,
it’s rare to see the drumsticks starting the grow from the flowers.
I love to photograph nature actions.

Moringa Drumstick in the making
Order Moringa photography prints Here

Asian Pears in the making!

Asian Pears in the making!

Asian pears in the making!
After the bees pollinate the flowers the fruit begin to grow.
I love photography and capturing nature…