Verdolagas, Portulaca oleracea, Mexican Parsley

Verdolagas, Portulaca oleracea, Mexican Parsley

How to Cook with Verdolagas (Portulaca oleracea).
A plant that grows in your back yard.
These grow everywhere around us in our yards, for years I never knew what they were. I have found these to be wonderful plants.
About: Verdolagas/Portulaca oleracea is an annual succulent in the family Portulacaceae, which may reach 40 cm in height. Approximately forty varieties currently are cultivated. Wikipedia Read more

Cuban cooking with Verdolagas here>>
The Purslane” (a Colombian’s traditional song) made ​​in Havana Video~

Nutritional Value:
Verdolagas is rich in potassium and magnesium and contains as much beta carotene as spinach. It also contains the omega three fatty acid known as alpha linolenic acid, which studies have shown can be helpful in lowering blood pressure and regulating cholesterol levels. Recent studies have also shown that Verdolagas contains a significant amount of melatonin as well. – See more at: